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PWB encoders GmbH shows social engagement

The integration of accepted asylum-seekers in our society requires the collaboration of many stakeholders, but first of all social engagement by individuals and companies.

PWB encoders GmbH is aware of this social responsibility and lives up to it. The search for a trainee with migration background liaising with the job center of the city Eschwege led to Mr. Ahmed Nawid Sultany.

Mr. Sultany was born in Kabul, Afghanistan. From 2007 to 2012, he studied at the Polytechnic University Kabul and graduated as an electrical engineer. In 2012, he and his wife escaped from Afghanistan and immigrated to Germany. Both have been granted political asylum and now live with their children in the small town Herleshausen.

Initially, Mr. Sultany was hired as a trainee. Based on his personal competence and his will to integrate into the company, he has been offered a permanent position. The next step in his career, supported by PWB Encoders GmbH, is studying production measurement technology and quality management at the University of Cooperative Education Eisenach, which will lead to a Bachelor of Engineering.

With that higher education, Mr. Sultany creates the basis for a successful integration and at the same time he will provide technical expertise to PWB Encoders GmbH, specifically in the field of quality management. Ultimately, this will create a win-win-situation.